Fun with Python: Electric Field Using Trapezoid Method

Suppose a line of charge is given that lies on the y-axis from y=-10 cm to y=+10 cm. At any point, the electric field can be calculated by the following function:


where sigma is the linear charge density.

This python program solves this equation using the trapezoid method for numerical integration and outputs the data into a .dat file.

#Andrew Samuels
#find the electric field for a given function
#Uses the trapezoid method

#import modules
from math import *

#open a data file
dfile = open('efdata.dat','w')

#make some functions
def efunc(x,y):
    return  x/(x**2.+y**2.)**(3/2.)

def efTrap(f,a,b,step=1):
    A = -(f(x,a) + f(x,b))
    S = float(b - a)
    for n in range(step+1):
        y = a + n*S/step
        A += 2*f(x,y)
    return A*float(b-a)/(2*step)

k = 10.5/1.113e-4 #10.5microC/4*pi*e_0*1e6

#integrate from x=1 to 100 in steps of 5
while x <= 100 :
    ef = k * efTrap(efunc,-10,10,10000)
    print "x = " + str(x) + " , eField = " + str(ef)
    dfile.write(str(x) + '\t' + str(ef) + '\n')
    x += 5

#close data file
print "Done! Created efdata.dat"