Rube Goldberg and the 6 Simple Machines

Hah, the title kind of sounds like a Disney fairytale for engineers doesn't it?

Rube Goldberg

Definition: Rube Goldberg: A comically involved, complicated invention, laboriously contrived to perform a simple operation. 1

A Rube Goldberg machine is essentially an overly designed and engineered contraption that often involves a long chain of events that culminate into a simple conclusion. The term bears the name of an American cartoonist named Reuben Lucius Goldberg (July 4, 1883 – December 7, 1970) who was well known for his comics involving these complicated machines that performed trivial tasks. 2

    Rube Goldberg’s comics have sparked international competitions where individuals and teams attempt to construct Rube Goldberg machines. One of the most popular contests being held annually at Purdue University. 3  The 2010 contest held at Purdue had the contest objective of creating the most complex machine that would dispense an appropriate amount of hand-sanitizer into a person’s hand.

6 Simple Machines

Definition: Simple Machine: is a mechanical device that changes the direction or magnitude of a force.

In contrast to a simple machine, a complex machine is simply two or more simple machines working together. When we say working, we mean work, which is the product of force or effort times the distance.  The following are the 6 types of simple machines 5:
  • Inclined plane - A slanting surface connecting a lower level to a higher level
  • Wedge - the edge of a smooth slanted surface
  • Screw - an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder
  • Lever - a stiff bar that rests on a fulcrum
  • Pulley - a groove wheel with a rope or cable around it
  • Wheel and axle -  a wheel with a rod, called an axle; through its center, both parts move together
It is interesting to know that despite the fact that we use machines to make our lives easier and to do less work. It is because of the laws of thermodynamics, that in fact, using simple machines actually amounts to the same amount of work being done overall. 5 Simple machines make things easier for us humans, but essentially same amount of energy is required to perform a task.

    1 Webster's New World; 4 edition (August 15, 1999)
    2 The National Cartoonists Society http://www.reuben.org/members2.html
    3 Time; “Top 10 Nerdy Competitions”;             http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2023019_2023018_2022959,00.html
    4 Paul, Akshoy; Pijush Roy, Sanchayan Mukherjee (2005). Mechanical Sciences:Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials. Prentice Hall of India. p. 215. ISBN 8120326113. http://www.mtsu.edu/~pdlee/public2_html/simple_machines.html#sm#5.
    5 IEEE. “TryEngineering”. Simple Machines. http://ewh.ieee.org/r3/cnc/tisp/cd/TE/simpmach.pdf